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All of the latest content from WOBO. This page is where you can stay up to date with all things WOBO.

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Rain Vs Infected
A DayZ Short called "Rain Vs Infected" was added
24 hours ago

stickystix187 has made a donation!
stickystix187 has made a donation!
1 day ago

stickystix187 has donated a very generous $10!! In addition, stickystix187 included a message with their donation:
Thank you for all the great work you do for community :)
stickystix187's contribution has been added to the donator list. If they rank high enough, stickystix187 will be placed on the Leaderboard with the top 20 donators, and possibly the footer with the top 5 donators.
stickystix187 has helped pay for the hosting of this website and gave WOBO the resources needed to create more tools, tips and videos. Thank you stickystix187!
Donator leaderboard - Make a donation

Brendan has become a WOBO Legend!
Brendan has become a WOBO Legend!
3 days ago

Brendan has received the WOBO Legend rank for pledging to give $25 per month and has unlocked Membership Perks. To remember Brendan's generosity, Brendan will have their name placed on the footer of every page!
This will help pay for hosting and the resources WOBO needs to create tools, videos and tips. Thank you Brendan!
Become a sponsor via Patreon - Become a sponsor via YouTube Members

DayZ Weaponry: How to Arm Yourself for Survival
A DayZ guide called "DayZ Weaponry: How to Arm Yourself for Survival" was added
3 days ago

All NEW Stuff in DayZ Update 1.25 | VS-89 Sniper Rifle, Shot...
A DayZ Video called "All NEW Stuff in DayZ Update 1.25 | VS-89 Sniper Rifle, Shot..." was added
4 days ago

DayZ Update 1.25 Patch Notes
News: DayZ Update 1.25 Patch Notes
4 days ago


- VS-89 rifle and magazine
- Support for game crash reporter


- It was possible to aim with a weapon with an opened gesture wheel
- With the "disableContainerDamage" server setting enabled, it was not possible to repair sea chests and wooden crates (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177819)
- Deploying any trap while there was a player within 150m to 1100m away would prevent certain behaviours from working on the client (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179347, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179743)
- Removed impact of bad internet connectivity on the weapon lift check
- Fixed multiple exploits to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179674 - private)
- Server time was not properly translated in the server browser


- Items located inside of nested containers are no longer accessible through the quick bar or the reload key
- Reworked the sound sets for all shotguns shots
- Reworked the sound set for the crossbow shots
- Reworked the sound set for the M79 grenade launcher shots
- Adjusted the attenuation of character action sounds
- Reworked character reconciliation between client and server
- Updated the game credits
- Reduced the width of the weapon collection triggers to allow more natural behaviour of the weapon lifting
- Removed promotional Livonia DLC highlighting

- Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseEstimatedBandwidth' to switch between the method of replication limiter. Enabled means it will use an estimated bandwidth sent... Read more

Horde Vs Gas
A DayZ Short called "Horde Vs Gas" was added
4 days ago

Infected Weakness
A DayZ Short called "Infected Weakness" was added
7 days ago

DayZ 1.25 Ambient Music, New Sniper & Weapon Sounds | Update...
A DayZ Video called "DayZ 1.25 Ambient Music, New Sniper & Weapon Sounds | Update..." was added
10 days ago

Bears Love You
A DayZ Short called "Bears Love You" was added
10 days ago

Epi-pen to Prevent Shock Damage
A DayZ Tip called "Epi-pen to Prevent Shock Damage" was added
12 days ago

Infected Blocking Bullets
A DayZ Short called "Infected Blocking Bullets" was added
13 days ago

The BEST weapon to raid with in DayZ
A DayZ Quick Tip called "The BEST weapon to raid with in DayZ" was added
15 days ago

Base Building Penetration
A DayZ Short called "Base Building Penetration" was added
16 days ago

Gas Pump Explosions
A DayZ Short called "Gas Pump Explosions" was added
19 days ago

Why we sometimes do 0 damage in DayZ | The Ghost Bullet Bug
A DayZ Video called "Why we sometimes do 0 damage in DayZ | The Ghost Bullet Bug" was added
20 days ago

Container Vs Infected
A DayZ Short called "Container Vs Infected" was added
22 days ago

Artificial AI Intelligence
A DayZ Short called "Artificial AI Intelligence" was added
25 days ago

SuperKamiSmoke has made a donation!
SuperKamiSmoke has made a donation!
26 days ago

SuperKamiSmoke has donated a very generous $10!! In addition, SuperKamiSmoke included a message with their donation:
Wobo you are the goat. Thank you for helping me understand the inner workings of DayZ!
SuperKamiSmoke's contribution has been added to the donator list. If they rank high enough, SuperKamiSmoke will be placed on the Leaderboard with the top 20 donators, and possibly the footer with the top 5 donators.
SuperKamiSmoke has helped pay for the hosting of this website and gave WOBO the resources needed to create more tools, tips and videos. Thank you SuperKamiSmoke!
Donator leaderboard - Make a donation

Boots Vs Concrete
A DayZ Short called "Boots Vs Concrete" was added
28 days ago

DayZ's 3 Types of Weapon Jam & How to 100% Stop Them
A DayZ Video called "DayZ's 3 Types of Weapon Jam & How to 100% Stop Them" was added
28 days ago

Barrel Traps
A DayZ Short called "Barrel Traps" was added
30 days ago

Surviving DayZ: The Hunt for Food and Water
A DayZ guide called "Surviving DayZ: The Hunt for Food and Water" was added
1 month ago

Deakeux has made a donation!
Deakeux has made a donation!
1 month ago

Deakeux has donated a very generous $10!! In addition, Deakeux included a message with their donation:
Thanks for all the hard work and keep it up!
Deakeux's contribution has been added to the donator list. If they rank high enough, Deakeux will be placed on the Leaderboard with the top 20 donators, and possibly the footer with the top 5 donators.
Deakeux has helped pay for the hosting of this website and gave WOBO the resources needed to create more tools, tips and videos. Thank you Deakeux!
Donator leaderboard - Make a donation

Buckshot Attachments
A DayZ Tip called "Buckshot Attachments" was added
1 month ago

Reapper has become a WOBO Enthusiast!
Reapper has become a WOBO Enthusiast!
1 month ago

Reapper has received the WOBO Enthusiast rank for pledging to give $5 per month and has unlocked Membership Perks.
This will help pay for hosting and the resources WOBO needs to create tools, videos and tips. Thank you Reapper!
Become a sponsor via Patreon - Become a sponsor via YouTube Members

Bigperm has made a donation!
Bigperm has made a donation!
1 month ago

Bigperm has donated a generous $6.30!
Bigperm's contribution has been added to the donator list. If they rank high enough, Bigperm will be placed on the Leaderboard with the top 20 donators, and possibly the footer with the top 5 donators.
Bigperm has helped pay for the hosting of this website and gave WOBO the resources needed to create more tools, tips and videos. Thank you Bigperm!
Donator leaderboard - Make a donation

Master Weapon & Suppressor Maintenance in DayZ | Barrel Dama...
A DayZ Video called "Master Weapon & Suppressor Maintenance in DayZ | Barrel Dama..." was added
1 month ago

Why Burned Food is Better Than Rotten Food in DayZ
A DayZ Quick Tip called "Why Burned Food is Better Than Rotten Food in DayZ" was added
1 month ago

DayZ 1.24 Recoil & Stability Changes + New Tool
A DayZ Video called "DayZ 1.24 Recoil & Stability Changes + New Tool" was added
1 month ago


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